Bahia dissecta

  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Common Name: Ragleaf bahia
  • Symbol: BADI
  • Description: Biennial herb, sometimes persisting longer, to 80 cm tall; stems glandular, light bluish-green, branching above the base. Leaves basal and alternate; petiolate; 2-3 times ternately cleft, the final segments linear or oblong; entire leaf to 7 cm long, puberulent. Flower heads large, radiate, in loose, few-flowered panicles at branch tips, on 1-6 cm peduncles; involucres hemispheric, 5-6 mm high, the bracts in 2 series, glandular-hairy, cuspidate at the tips; 10-15 pistillate ray flowers ring the outside of the head, the rays 6-9 mm long, yellow.

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Image of Bahia dissecta